9 Essential Things To Do The Day Before You Move House
13 Jun

9 Essential Things To Do The Day Before You Move House

The day before you move house: Checklist

When you reach the eve of your house move, it can become an exciting but overwhelming moment. You may start to feel your stress levels rising, but being prepared is key to making your move a success.

This will be your last full chance to check everything is in order for the following day, so to help you we have compiled this list of 9 essentials things to do on the day BEFORE your move.

9 Essentials Things To Do The Day BEFORE Your Move

Last minute packing

Finish all your packing, minus the essential items you will need to pack on your actual Moving Day (toiletries bag, bedding, breakfast things and kettle), unless you have booked a removals company to take care of the packing for you.

At Casey’s Removals we offer a full or partial packing service to your customer and will generally arrive the day before your actual move to pack all your possessions for you. We provide all the packing materials and will also start dismantling your furniture. Though beds being used on your final night are usually dismantle on the day of your move.

Prepare appliances

Unplug and disconnect all appliances and move them away from the walls. Of course if you have booked a removals company, they will do this for you.

Check your planned route

Ensure you check the route you will be taking to your new home if you are driving yourself. It’s a good idea to check for any road closures or route diversions, as this may impact on your timings. Your removals company will also have checked their route, but it’s always worth asking them on the Move Day itself if they are aware of any issue you have found.

Charge your phone

Fully charge your mobile phone as you will need it on moving day to stay in contact with everyone involved in the move and you don’t know when you might get the chance to charge it.

Start preparing your essential box

Start preparing your ‘Last in, first out’ box of essentials. This should include all essential documents and contact numbers, a mini tool kit, first aid supplies, as well as a kettle and cups!

Gather up the keys

You’ll need to gather up all the keys to your property including window locks, garage, shed and other outdoor storage area keys. Put them in a secure envelope ready to hand to the estate agent the next day. It is helpful to label these for the new owners too.

Call in the favours

Call friends and relatives to make sure they have not forgotten all those favours you are calling in!

Reserve a parking space

If you don’t have a drive and rely on road parking, make sure you reserve a space outside your property for the removal truck. If possible try to move your own car(s) into these nearby spaces, or use cones or recycling bins to reserve them. A courteous note to neighbours explaining the situation and politely asking if they can help reserve spaces can also go down well.

Get an early night

By now you should have pretty much done everything there is needing to do with regards to the packing. The actual move will be a long and exciting day, so an early night will help you feel refreshed and ready to go.

If you are still looking for a removals company, give us a call.

At Casey’s Removals we can offer our customers a full or partial packing and unpacking service, which includes dismantling of furniture. We also specialise in short notice and emergency moves, should you need to move quickly.

Contact us to find out how we can help make your next move stress-free. Our phones are open until 9pm, 7 days a week.

Click To Call For Free Quote 020 8659 6677
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